Want to better manage your Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism? Hang out with a pet

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Most pet lovers find their furry, feathered, hoofed, and scaly companions count among their best friends. But pets aren’t only good company — research shows they greatly benefit your mental and physical health. For someone with Hashimoto’s, a pet may improve your immune health.

Pets help the developing immune system

A study in Finland showed that babies who grew up in a home with cats and dogs were 44 percent less likely to develop ear infections and 29 percent less likely to receive antibiotics in their first year compared to babies from pet-free homes. The theory is that exposure to bacteria brought in from outside by pets helps the developing immune system learn how to react properly to germs in the environment. And the more time the pet spent outdoors, the greater the benefit.

Other studies show that children who live with dogs and cats in the first year of life are less likely to develop allergies to those animals later in life.

If you have Hashimoto’s and want to have a baby, you may boost your child’s immune health by having your child grow up with a family pet.

Pets help you live longer and lower disease risk

Babies aren’t the only ones benefiting from pets:

  • People with pets have lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels than non pet-owners, regardless of weight, diet, and smoking habits.
  • In subjects who have experienced a heart attack, dog ownership decreases the odds for death the first year post-heart-attack from 1 in 15 to 1 in 87!
  • In people undergoing stress tests or physical examinations, the presence of a dog during the exam lowered heart rate and blood pressure.
  • “Seizure-alert” animals are trained to signal their owners prior to a seizure as well as protect them during the event.
  • Some pets are trained to alert their diabetic humans to episodes of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) before life-threatening symptoms develop.
  • Prescription drug use and overall costs of caring for patients in nursing homes dropped in facilities where companion animals became part of daily therapy.
  • The need to exercise a pet and care for it often results in better physical and mental health for the human, regardless of age.
  • Researchers at the University of Arizona are exploring whether dogs can improve human health by having a probiotic effect on the body.

All of these examples point to the disease lowering and immune improving effects pets have on our health, which may help benefit the person with Hashimoto’s.

Pets provide mental, emotional, and social benefits for Hashimoto’s

A study at Tufts University found young adult pet owners are more connected to their communities and relationships, are more engaged in community service, help family and friends, demonstrate more leadership, and have more empathy and confidence than non pet owners.

Caring for a pet can prevent downward spirals by providing consistency and routine, helping us feel needed, and giving us something to do each day.

This is especially true for those who live alone, as well as the elderly, who say their pets provide social companionship and a reason to get out of the house for exercise and socialization.

Even families surveyed before and after they acquired a pet reported feeling happier after adopting a pet.

In conclusion, pet owners exhibit greater self-esteem, are more physically fit, more conscientious, less lonely, more socially outgoing, and have healthier relationship styles than non-pet people. The researchers concluded that our pets contribute to our sense of self just as much as our human companions do.

All of these factors have been shown to lower inflammation, which is vital when you’re managing Hashimoto’s. Of course, you don’t want to trigger a pet allergy, but some animal kingdom companionship can provide an incredible boost of inflammation-lowering therapy to help you better manage your Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism.

Ask my office for more advice on how to manage your Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, an autoimmune disease that requires immune system management.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Emily Estrada
    July 18, 2020 7:19 am

    I was diagnosed with Hashimotos 6 months ago. I am highly interested in getting a service dog to go with me every where because of this. However, I was told that in order to get a medical service dog I would be questioned everywhere I go in order for the dog to be allowed to go to places, like school, with me. Where I would have to respond with a very good reason as to why I need the dog. In my opinion my lethargy would being mitigated by the dog is reason enough. Do you have any advice to offer on this topic? Or agencies where I can get my future animal certified?

    • Functional Health News
      August 12, 2020 5:17 pm

      I don’t sorry, I think the most you’d qualify for is an emotional support dog. But I’m no expert.


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